Programs 519-532-3818
Programs available for all ages and abilities.
We are flexible and easy to work with and want our programs to fit with your group's needs.
We can discuss duration, size, ability and financial needs to suit your group.
Check out the link below for photos of our projects,
pricing and participant info can be found by clicking
the name on the table of contents section.
Beeswax Candle Making
This workshop will spark all of our senses! We will get to taste some local honey and dip our own candles to take home. Examples of Honey Bee habitat will be brought with a few specimens to look at under the microscope. We will talk about what we can do to help out all of our pollinator friends and students will get bee friendly seeds to take home and plant in their gardens.
Ages: 5 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants
Program Length: 60-90 minutes
Cost: $220 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Materials: local bee's wax, portable stove tops, wicks, honey, microscope
We will learn how to identify birds by their shape and song, then using our senses and binoculars we try to locate them in their natural habitat.
Ages: 5 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants
Program Length: 60-90 minutes
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Materials: Students are encouraged to bring their own binoculars if they have them so they can learn how to use them for when they are home. A handful of binoculars will be brought to share.
Budding Botanists- Build a Terrarium and Make a Figurine
Build a beautiful terrarium to take home that will take care of itself while you watch the plants grow! Create a miniature ecosystem using native species that can survive for decades without additional watering! Participants will learn about different ecosystems, the water cycle, a variety of species and the importance of biodiversity. We will also sculpt a small clay figure to place inside of our newly created world.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants. After that an additional $5 per person up to 50-60 participants (not exceeding room capacity)
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $250 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Materials included: plants, charcoal, gravel, stones, sand, soil, clay or sculpey for figurines, & (often recycled) containers.
Butterfly & Pollinator Gardening - Outdoor Classroom/ Living Laboratory
Learn to plant gardens that are beautiful and help threatened species of bees, butterflies, bats and more. Learn which native plants are best for providing pollen, nectar, larval food, and habitat. Different techniques can be used to encourage pollinators in urban and rural environments.
Butterfly Gardens* Outdoor Classrooms* Rain Gardens* Woodlands* Prairies* Vegetable* Hugel Kultur* Seed Collecting* Restoration* Greenhouse Work *Tree and Shrub Plantings * Classroom Plants *Classroom Terrariums*
Planted for and with students.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: the more the merrier!
Program Length: short-long term
Cost: Let's figure out a budget that works with your group.
Materials included: We have a Native Plant Nursery called Wildlife Gardening.
Costume/ Prop Design
From simple to complex, release your inner beast and study wildlife at the same time. We will use fabrics and a variety of materials to create costumes after looking at some examples.
Ages: 5 and up.
Capacity: 8 participants if ages 9 (grade 4) and under; Maximum 30 participants if ages 9 and over.
Program Length: 90 minutes for basic costume but can be extended to 3 hours + for more elaborate costumes.
Cost: $175 + $1-$2 per students for materials + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Fabric Art/ Fashion Design - basics of sewing
Learn the basics of sewing and try a sewing machine! Many projects to choose from.
Ages: 6 and up.
Capacity: dependent on project
Program Length and Cost:
1.5 hrs = $200 + $1-2 per student for materials + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
½ Day = $330 + $1-2 per student for materials + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Faerie, Gnome or Elf Gardens
Enter the realm of enchantment and create your very own garden to take home for your favourite little creatures to live in and explore! We will use a variety of native plants that are delicious to pollinators such as the little Faeries, Gnomes and Elves that live all around us in the surrounding forests, farm fields and cities.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants. After that an additional $5 per person up to 50-60 participants (not exceeding room capacity)
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $250 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Materials included: plants, flower pot, gravel, stones, sand, soil & random materials to decorate with
Gnomes in the Shadows
Gnomes and other normally shy hominids have been seen in public with increasing frequency over the last few centuries. Coming from the enchanted woods of Bimmula Raim, Garv and Rilka Glinrool were village herbalists until the main river was contaminated by a nearby human settlement. Since tracing the source to Southern Ontario in the early 1900s, Garv and Rilka have been wandering through the dark corners of cities playing traditional and experimental Taina and Unoknu Gnome music in an attempt to get humans to return to living harmoniously with the rest of nature.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: dependent on space and project
Program Length: dependent on project
Cost: Let's discuss what you are looking for.
Guerrilla Gardening- make seed bombs
Jazz Jam with Real Instruments
Conga, quinto, bass, guitars, violin, cello, drum kit, shakers and many more. Let's experiment with sound!
Ages: 6 and up.
Capacity: dependent on project
Program Length and Cost:
1.5 hrs = $200 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
½ Day = $330 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Loop There It Is
This workshop is a collaborative sound collage experiment. Using a looper pedal and a microphone we will layer our musical ideas to create pieces of community audio art. Sometimes bizarre, sometimes amazing and always fun, looping as a group is enjoyable for all ages and musical abilities. It is a great way to learn about rhythm, melody, and harmony while gaining confidence on the microphone.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Mask Making
Transform into your favourite endangered species by making a 3-D mask by using items from the recycling bin. Once you learn this technique you can make a mask from basic items almost anywhere. Plaster Gauze and other styles of mask making also available.
Ages: 5 and up.
Capacity: 25 participants if under age 9 (grade 4) and 50-60 participants (not exceeding room capacity) if ages 9 and over
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Nature Ninjas!
Become an expert in the arts of tracking, observing and identifying creatures of all shapes and sizes. Using our stealth abilities let's sneak around and see what we can see. We will learn nature ninja techniques and develop our ability to notice wildlife without being noticed.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Nature Tours
Let’s go for a walk and see what we can see. Exploring throughout the different seasons reveals the magic of the natural world.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Pond/Stream Studies
Do you have a natural water system by your school/home? Let’s explore the micro-organisms that live in the water.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Learn how to rap with class. One of the most powerful forms of expression, rap is everywhere. Following positive examples we will be learning how write, perform and improvise (freestyle) rap that focuses on making a point.
Ages: 8 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 90 minutes. Can also be offered as an ongoing program.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Recycled Silk Screening
Transfer your own design onto a pillowcase, patch, or t-shirt using recycled materials without the harsh smell.
Ages: 8 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 90 minutes. Can also be offered as an ongoing program.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Rhythmic Recyclers
Let's learn about sound and how to construct instruments. We will get imaginative and make our own instruments from recycled and reclaimed materials. We will have a chance to make percussion, string, and wind instruments and then test them out with a jam.
Ages: 6 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Singing Telegrams/ Rap-o-Gram
Story Quilts / Arpilleras
Learn how to tell stories with fabric and make a wonderful hand sewn (or glued) three dimensional textile picture. Arpilleras, originally a Chilean tradition, tell stories of life from daily happenings to historical events using beautiful fabrics.
Ages: 6 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Inspired by the natural world, our stories encompass environmental awareness and compassion for all living things. On the move and in the wild, participants will be told stories then have a chance to create one as a group.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Trash Theatre
Imagine creating elephant, rhino and chimpanzee costumes from trash that come to life in a multidisciplinary eco-arts project with students performing for the entire school. Trash Theatre incorporates a variety of skills including: researching world issues, writing, public speaking, costume design, audio/visual, scene and prop development, creative movement, acting and music. A multiple classroom project ending in a performance for the rest of the school.
Ages: 6 and up.
Capacity: We try to include as many participants as possible.
Program Length and Cost:
1.5 hrs (30-45 min) performance by students for entire school, performance prep with 1-2 classes = $200 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
½ Day (30-45 min) performance by students for entire school, interactive workshops with 1-2 classes = $300 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Full Day (30-45min) performance by students for entire school, interactive workshops with 2-6 classes = $550 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
25 hr Project /Week Long Project - Granting may still be available through funding made possible by the Ontario Arts Council (OAC)-Artist in Education Project. If not, let's discuss your budget.
Volcano Launch
We will make our own model volcanoes and ecosystems to take home, learning about the wonders of lava, magma, and eruptions. We will also launch our larger baby volcano (1m x.5m) with homemade lava.
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).
Wild Edibles
Empower yourself with knowledge that will not only give basic survival skills but will open the door to a life long hobby.
Learn what bugs you can eat, why it is dangerous to taste anything,
Students will learn basic id skills, habitat
Ages: 4 and up.
Capacity: 30 participants.
Program Length: 60-90 minutes.
Cost: $175 + HST + $0.30/km if over 45 km from performer’s home (Princeton, Ontario).